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Year 5

Welcome Back Year 5!

We hope you have had a happy half term break and we look forward to welcoming you back to school for more learning and fun with friends.

This term we will be exploring South and North America in geography. We will also be learning about Caribbean cultural heritage and enjoying poetry by authors such as John Agard.

In art, we will be learning about Leonardo DaVinci and Frieda Carlo (two very different artists).  

We are very excited to share the learning with you. Please remember that we will be going swimming on Wednesdays (leaving at 12.30pm – parent helpers gratefully received).

We will also be  visiting the library so bring your library card along!

You can apply for one by calling in and filling out a form.  


Basic routines reminder:

Please remember to bring a reading book you enjoy reading that is a little challenging but you can mostly read independently (you can borrow any from the class library and take them home to read, just please bring them back).

We are reading longer novels in class to build our reading stamina and enjoyment.

Also remember your filled water bottle every day and a healthy snack for breaktime - an apple or fruit is best (no plastic waste if possible please).

Please (adults) hand in to the office any medicines with the correct paper work - see the office about this if you are unsure.

Please wear P.E uniform on a Monday and Wednesday. Wednesday is swimming so please remember your swimming kit and goggles if needed.  Please name all kit to avoid mix ups. Pressed for time? - You don't need name tags - just write your child's initials and Y5 on the tag using a sharpie pen.


Home learning:

This will be set on Fridays.

Please support your child to complete part or all of it as you see fit.

Maths: This is set on Professor Assessor (let me know if it is too easy or challenging).


Please support your child to learn their spellings by writing them out in best handwriting 5 times in joined handwriting.

We are working our way through the Year 5/6 Statutory Spellings.

Some children are learning the high frequency words (first 100 most used words).


As always, reading for pleasure is a key part of home learning so please sign the reading record to let me know of great comprehension discussions taking place around a text or comments on fluency or expression.

General Note: As always, please let me know any issues that arise ASAP so I can 'nip it in the bud' or indeed let me know any good news we can celebrate in class!

I am always available at the end of the day or from 8.15am in the morning.

Looking forward to see you all.

Best wishes,

Miss Wilkinson and the Year 5 Team




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