The Reception Baseline Assessment takes place in the first 6 weeks of the child starting school.
If you would like to find out more about the Reception Baseline Assessment including:
- why schools are doing the assessment
- what happens during the assessment
- access arrangements
- how the data is used
Please click the link below:
Year 1 Phonics Screening Check
Please click below for a handy guide to the Phonics Check and some supporting materials. This year the Phonics Check for Year One pupils will take place in June 2025.
Key Stage 1 National Curriculum Tests are now optional.
In the academic Year 2024/25 the teachers will use the assessment papers to support their teacher judgement. Parents will be informed at the end of the academic year as to whether the teacher has judged their child to be working towards, at or above expectations for the end of KS1.
Key Stage 2 national curriculum tests will continue in the academic year 2024/2025.
For more information please see the leaflet for parents about end of key stage assessments (often referred to as SATs) for 11 year olds.
The Year 4 Multiplication Check will continue in the academic Year 2024/2025.
For more information please click the link to the parent guide below: